You have worked too hard to perfect your athletic abilities. Do not allow misinformation to tarnish your reputation and your legacy in a sport you have dedicated your life to. Athletes need a competent resource to ensure that there are no detrimental consequences of drug therapy that could seriously hamper your career. Allow EJ Sports Pharmacy to be your 24/7 dedicated resource.
EJ Sports Pharmacy (ESP) provides medication and drug consultations to individual athletes, sports teams, and sports organizations. Click the link below on your specific category for more information.
Parents, do you have questions concerning your high school athlete's medication therapy?
Collegiate and professional athletes, have you failed a drug test and don't know why?
Coaches, do you have a premier athlete who is suspended due to a failed drug test?
Agents, do you have clients that need drug consultations to ensure they continue to be active, compliant athletes?
Team owners, is the profitability of your franchise at risk due to suspended athletes?